Early February is the ideal time to set up your tubers and I thought it may be interesting to share with you all the method I use:
- Clean the tuber by cutting away any small, dry, fibrous roots.
- Fill the trays with potting compost mixed with a little perlite.
- Place the tubers into large seed trays (approx. 40cm x 50cm), some growers prefer to use large mushroom trays lined with newspaper.
- Gently push the tubers into the compost, ensuring not to cover the crown where the shoots will develop.
- Trays are placed onto a fine grit bed with soil warming cables set at 18°C/65°F.
- April is the ideal time to take cuttings, when the day light conditions are favourable. You should find, during this period, your cuttings will root faster.
- Cuttings should be 2 – 3 inches in length and should be cut just below the node. Ensure to remove the bottom pair of leaves, this is then dipped into hormone powder and then placed into the modules.
- During April, cuttings should root between 5 and 7 days.
- When choosing potting compost, I opt for a half measure of Vitex Q4 and half perlite. Be very wary when choosing your compost, some cheaper brands may contain unsuitable garden waste materials. Some growers prefer to use half peat and half grit to root their cuttings.
- Plastic modules are ideal for the cuttings, avoid using polystyrene as this is an insulator.
- · Very lightly water your cuttings taking care not to over water them.
- Ensure cuttings are covered in very strong sunlight. I like to gently cover the cuttings with newspaper and then lightly spray with water.
- Once rooted they can be potted up using 9cm x 9cm x 10cm square pots and using Vitex Q4.
- After approximately one week they can be moved out into a cold frame to harden off. Ensure the cold frame is covered to protect against winds and freezing conditions.
- Any flower that may go oversize should be double stopped, the first stop can be done during the first or second week of May. The second stop is usually done during the first or second week in June.
- Planting out is started during the last week in May or first week in June when the fear of any frost has lifted.