2022 Get Together

by | 1 November 2022

Thank you to everyone that came to our get together on Sunday 9 October.  It was great to see so many people there both members and non-members all interested in growing dahlias and a wonderful afternoon was had by all.

There were lots of questions for our two speakers, Charlie McCormick and David Hall (from Halls of Heddon).  Apologies for the slight technical issues to start with but I am sure those of you with computers know all too well that they can let you down at the most inappropriate moment – still we got there.

Congratulations to the winners of our dahlia type quiz who won a box of Alpaca fertiliser – look forward to the feedback on the results.

Thank you also to all those that donated raffle prizes and of course to the welcome refreshments.

There were some great questions and too many to mention here but we will be publishing some of the ones related to dahlias to grow and show in our next newsletter. It was a shame that due to COVID our friends from Holland could not join us online – we will try and rearrange for another meeting.