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The Open Bowl Class for the Bruallen Trophy
How did the Bruallen Trophy come about. Lorraine and David Jasper let us in on the details.
Our Other Posts
Who were the Florists?
Florists in olden times – interesting article from David Jasper.
Setting up the Tubers
My method on setting up the dahlia tubers for the coming season.
Cuttings with Coffee
Roy Knight talking about taking cuttings in some coffee !
CDS- The Early Years
The early years of the Cornish Dahlia Society.
My Dahlia Year – Pete Greenway
Expert grower, the late Pete Greenway’s dahlia year.
Success for Peter at “The Nationals 2013”
The late Peter Greenway (Society Vice Chairman in 2013) celebrated his success at the National Dahlia Shows in 2013.