Our Constitution

The rules by which our Society is governed

Cornish Dahlia Society – CONSTITUTION

Effective from 25 February 2024

 Our constitution describes the objectives of the society and how the society is to be managed.  The constitution is updated as necessary with all changes being agreed at an AGM.

1. The Society shall be known as the “THE CORNISH DAHLIA SOCIETY”.

The objectives of the Society are to encourage, improve and extend the cultivation of the dahlia by means of holding exhibitions, discussions, producing publications and by any other means agreed by the Committee.

3.1 – The Officers of the Society shall consist of a PRESIDENT, CHAIRMAN, VICE-CHAIRMAN, TREASURER and GENERAL SECRETARY who shall be elected annually at the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. Nominations for all Officers that are due to be elected shall be restricted to paid up members of the Society. Nominations supported by two proposers (who must also be paid up members) must be submitted to the General Secretary no later than 31 January. If more than one nomination is received for the same position, then a vote will be taken at the AGM in accordance with Standing Orders.

3.2 In the event of the loss of the President whilst in Office the duties of the President will pass to the Chairman. With the loss of the Chairman the duties pass to the Vice Chairman. In the event of the loss of both the Chairman and the Vice Chairman the Treasurer shall assume the duties until an emergency meeting can be called to elect Caretaker Officers as appropriate to serve in office until the next AGM.

4,1 – Vice Presidents shall be recommended by the Management Committee no later than 31 January by a two thirds majority and elected by members at the AGM. Vice Presidents shall be exempt from subscriptions.

4.2 – Appointments shall be restricted to persons who have given distinguished service to the Society in the past and the appointment shall last for life or until a request to stand down is received by the General Secretary.

4.3 – Vice Presidents are not required to attend committee meetings (unless they also hold the position of an officer of the Society or who have also been elected to serve on the Management Committee). They are welcome to attend Committee meetings in an advisory capacity. Vice Presidents not serving on the Management Committee or hold an Officer position will have no voting rights at committee meetings.

5.1 – The Society shall be managed by a Management Committee consisting of President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and General Secretary plus a minimum of FOUR and a maximum of EIGHT Committee Members to be elected at the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Society. Any Vice-Presidents that are elected to the Management Committee shall be excluded from the minimum and maximum stated above. Nominations for Committee Members supported by two proposers (who must also be paid up members) must be submitted to the General Secretary no later than 31 January. If more nominations are received than places available, then a vote will be taken at the AGM in accordance with Standing Orders.

5.2 – The Management Committee shall act in accordance with the current Standing Orders document which will be updated and agreed by the Management Committee by way of a two thirds majority. A copy is available to members on request.

5.3 – All Management Committee members must have signed the Memorandum of Agreement.

5.4 – A Show Secretary shall be appointed from and agreed by the Management Committee.

5.5 – The Management Committee shall have the power to co-op a member onto the Committee by a simple majority after receipt of a nomination form supported by two other committee members.

6.1 – The Management Committee will meet as often as is deemed necessary but not less than three times a year. The secretary will advise the Management Committee and Vice-Presidents of dates of meetings and maintain the minutes of meetings. Meetings may be held online but at least one meeting in each year must be held in person.

6.2 – Five members will form a quorum and must include a minimum of three Officers.

6.3 – Any Management Committee Member missing two committee meetings in a year without apology will be asked to step down from the Management Committee immediately and will not be eligible for nomination the following year, this to be for one year only. For reference a “year” shall be from AGM to AGM.

6.4 – Any Management Committee Member missing two committee meetings in the year with an apology, unless given special dispensation, shall not be eligible for election the following year, this to be for one year only. For reference a “year” shall be from AGM to AGM.

7.1 – The minimum subscription shall be determined, from time to time, by the Management Committee with a two-thirds majority in favour from those present.

7.2 – Member subscriptions shall be for a period of one year with the renewal date being one year from the date of joining. Any member whose subscription is in arrears for three months or more shall be removed from the Society Membership. If this member wants to re-join then the membership will renew from the date the payment is made.

7.3 – Categories of membership shall be determined by the Management Committee with a two-thirds majority in favour from those present.

7.4 – A register of members shall be kept by the General Secretary. The register shall contain the full name and address, phone number and email address (where appropriate) of each member, and dates of, as applicable, commencement, cessation, suspension, withdrawal, and recommencement of membership. Members must notify the General Secretary of any change of any contact details. This data will be kept in accordance with the Societies Data Privacy Procedure as stated in Standing Orders.

8.1 – A bank account or accounts will be maintained by the Society in order to manage the Societies funds. Any transactions will require the approval of any two from three signatories which will be the Treasurer, General Secretary and Chairman.

8.2 – The Treasurer will maintain records of the Societies financial affairs and present a statement of account at each Committee meeting.

8.3 – The Financial Year of the Society shall be from the 1 February to 31 January.

8.4 – The Treasurer will present to the Chairman and General Secretary the Society Accounts for joint inspection prior to the AGM.

8.5 – The Society will accept payments by Cash, Cheque, Bank Transfer, Debit Card, Credit Card or Direct Debit.

9.1 – The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held no later than the 31 March in any year and notice of the meeting shall be sent to all paid up members not less than 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. Only fully paid-up members, aged sixteen or over at the date of the AGM, are eligible to vote at this meeting.

9.2 – The minutes of the AGM will be presented at the following years AGM for approval as an accurate record of that meeting. Any decisions taken at an AGM shall come into force immediately or at a date agreed at that AGM.

10.1 – An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time upon a signed request by not less than ten paid up members of the Society being sent to the Secretary. This request must state the precise nature for which this meeting is being called.

10.2 – The Committee may call an EGM at any time by providing notice to all paid up members not less than twenty-one days prior to the meeting date. This notice must state the precise reason for the EGM.

10.3 – A motion cannot be in contravention of the Society Constitution and no other business other than that specified on the notice can be discussed.

10.4 – Any motion passed by a majority will come into effect immediately after the EGM or at a date agreed at the EGM.

11.1 – The Society is fully committed to the principles of the Equality Act 2010 and as such membership shall be open to anyone, and is responsible for ensuring that no member, guest of a member, or volunteer, receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of any such characteristic.

11.2 – Any discriminatory conduct or harassment by any member against any other member, guest or volunteer on the grounds of any such characteristic as outlined in the Equality Act may be treated by the Management Committee as gross misconduct resulting in immediate exclusion from the Society.

11.3 – The Management Committee shall be empowered to suspend or expel any Member, Committee Member, Officer or Vice-President of the Society whose conduct is considered to be prejudicial to the interests of the Society or any member of the Public. This power shall be on a TWO THIRDS majority of the Management Committee. This will be carried out in accordance with the Societies Complaints Process stated in Standing Orders.

11.4 – Where a written complaint is received against any Officer, Committee Member or Society Member then a Disciplinary Panel will be formed with no less than four members of the Management Committee and will exclude if appropriate any person to whom the complaint is about. This Disciplinary Panel will be formed within 28 days of the complaint being received and will investigate the complaint in accordance with Sanding Orders. All written complaints must be sent to the General Secretary.

The Cornish Dahlia Society shall be affiliated to the National Dahlia Society.

The Society Constitution may only be changed at the Annual General Meeting and by a TWO THIRDS majority from the votes received. All members must be notified of any such alterations at least SEVEN days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Postal votes will be accepted using the Society Voting form which must be received back by the General Secretary two days prior to the AGM. Members attending the AGM should bring their voting form with them.

If the Management Committee consider it necessary to wind up the Society then they must call an EGM and provide notice to all members at least twenty one days’ prior to the meeting date. This decision would require a two thirds majority and minutes must be kept of any discussion or decision. Any money and/or assets of the Society must be distributed to charity or charities with similar purposes to the Cornish Dahlia Society.