Welcome to the Cornish Dahlia Society

About Us
Established in 1981 and providing valuable assistance to our members in cultivating their dahlias for various purposes, such as gardening, cut flowers, or exhibition.

Why not join us?
We are a joyful community of dahlia enthusiasts uniting breeders, exhibition growers, and garden growers. Why not Join us and indulge in the delightful world of dahlias?

What's coming up
Discover what’s on the horizon for dahlia enthusiasts and we hope to see you.
All our events are for both members and non-members. Stay tuned for more to come!
Welcome to our Website
Thank you for visiting our website. We are constantly adding information about dahlia growing and also details of our events and other local events that we feel you may be interested in attending.
If you have any events you would like us to publish on our site then please get in touch with us.
If you would like to submit an article for our Blog that you think members and visitors to our site would enjoy reading please get in touch,
Latest News
Direct Debit Payments
Due to increased card charges and at our members request we are moving to Direct Debit Membership Payments.
Get our Email
How to make sure that you receive our emails and that they do not end up in your Spam or Junk filter.
2024 AGM and Conference
Our 2024 Annual General Meeting and Conference
Latest Posts from the Blog
What to Grow for Showing
Advice on what to grow for showing in the South West, Ideal for beginners and novice growers.
My First Go at Showing
First time exhibitor, Ellie Todd, entered our Peoples Dahlia Competition at Heligan. Read about her experience.
The Open Bowl Class for the Bruallen Trophy
How did the Bruallen Trophy come about. Lorraine and David Jasper let us in on the details.