In the last news letter Simon asked for any info on propagation and taking cutting etc. This year I took about 1,200 cuttings with a 99% success rate.
My mix was 3 part peat 1 part perlite & grit, all on heated cables set about 70 degrees and the rooting time was around 14-20 days.
Potted on in multi-purpose compost with 1/3rd soil and a sprinkle of long lasting fertiliser from Poundland.
As both my daughters are involved with catering they asked if the used coffee grinding was of any use to me ? this got me thinking so got online most seem to think add it to the compost bin or to add to soil.
I thought i would try some cuttings in just coffee and some with grit and some with perlite in 4” round pots the others in square pots. I put 4 cuttings around the edge of the 4” pots in all coffee and they rooted in 4 weeks, the perlite mix same result but the perlite floated to the top, the grit mix was better as it only took 3 weeks but all the plants looked yellow on the tips but all made good plants when potted on.
Some cutting were on heat and some not, this didn’t seem to make much difference in the rooting time.
Hope this was of some interest.