by cds-admin | Feb 25, 2023 | News
We held our 2023 AGM on Sunday 26 February at the Shire House Suite in Bodmin. We would like to thank all those that attended – it was a delight to see over 80 people there both members and non-members. We thank those that donated tubers for the tuber sale and...
by cds-admin | Nov 1, 2022 | News
Thank you to everyone that came to our get together on Sunday 9 October. It was great to see so many people there both members and non-members all interested in growing dahlias and a wonderful afternoon was had by all. There were lots of questions for our two...
by cds-admin | Sep 4, 2022 | Dahlias
Thanks to three dedicated members of the society we were once again able to create the society dahlia display garden at the Lost Gardens of Heligan. This was planted with over 1600 dahlias. These members took the cuttings, grew the plants, planted them out and with a...
by cds-admin | Sep 2, 2022 | News
The weather seems to always be an annual challenge no matter what you grow, and this year has been no exception. The long periods of unprecedented temperatures, lack of rain, hosepipe bans, pests and everything else have made this Dahlia growing season very...
by cds-admin | Mar 15, 2022 | News
Many thanks to everyone that attended our 2022 AGM in March. Numbers were reduced due to the OMICRON infections at the time but it was a good afternoon. Plenty of tubers available and of course some wonderful refreshments. Special thanks go to Lorraine...